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主题:老化房是一款大型的环境试验设备 [收藏主题]  
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admin 发表于:2018-12-15 07:58:12   | 只看该作者 查看该作者主题 楼主 

老化房是一款大型的环境试验设备,可满足大批量生产或实验的试验设备,造价高。因此老化房日常的维护是非常重要的!正确的日常维护可延长使用寿命!其维护保养的方式跟普通老化房相差不了多少, 定期检查和维护可以使它保持最佳工作状态。现介绍以下几点供大家参考:

Aging room is a large-scale environmental test equipment, which can meet the needs of mass production or experiment, and has high cost. Therefore, the daily maintenance of aging room is very important! Correct routine maintenance can extend service life! Its maintenance method is not much different from the ordinary aging room. Regular inspection and maintenance can keep it in the best working state. Here are the following points for your reference:


1. Use files should be established to facilitate maintenance and repair. The use of archives should record the starting and ending time (date), type of test and environmental temperature of each operation of the aging room. When the system fails, the failure phenomena should be described as detailed as possible, and the contents of maintenance and maintenance of the system should also be recorded as detailed as possible.


2. Long downtime will affect the effective service life of the system. Therefore, the system should be operated at least once every 10 days. Do not stop the system repeatedly in a short time. The number of start-ups per hour should be less than 5 times. The time between start-up and stop should be no less than 3 rain. Do not open the door of the walking aging room at low temperature to prevent damage to the door seal. Band.


3. It must be operated and maintained by special personnel. Strictly abide by the operating rules of the system to avoid other people violating the operating system. 四、主箱体,使用中应注意保护,不可受到利器或钝器的强力碰撞。

4. The main box should be protected from strong collision of sharp or blunt weapons.


Fifth, the operation test of the main power switch (leakage short circuit) is carried out regularly every month to ensure that the switch can be used as leakage protector when the load capacity is satisfied. The specific steps are: first, make sure that the main power switch is on, that is, the system is energized, and then press the test button. If the leakage current breaks, the switch rod of the device falls down, the function is normal.


6. The leakage, overload and short-circuit protection characteristics of the leakage switch are set by the manufacturer, and can not be adjusted at will in use to avoid affecting the performance. After the leakage switch is disconnected due to short-circuit, it is necessary to check the contacts. If the main contacts are severely burned or have pits, it needs to be repaired.


7. In order to ensure the normal and clean supply of cooling water, the cooling water filters of refrigerators should be cleaned every 30 days or so. If the local air quality of the cooling water tower is poor and the dust content in the air is high, the cooling water storage tank should be cleaned for about 7 days.


8. Operation test of overtemperature protector. Set the temperature of the overtemperature protector to be lower than the temperature of the box. If E0.0 alarm and buzzing occur, the function of the overtemperature protector is normal. After completing the above test, the setting value of temperature protection should be reset appropriately, otherwise it may cause inappropriate suspension.


9. The test products placed in the aging room should be at a certain distance from the suction and exhaust outlets of the air-conditioning passage so as not to interfere with the air flow.


10. Once a year, use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the distribution room and water circuit room. Once a month, dry cloth is used to clean up the water on the receiving plate of the suction refrigeration unit.

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