
时间:2018年10月28日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

首先环氧地坪是一种高强度、耐磨损、美观的地板,具有无接缝、质地坚实、耐药品性佳、防腐、防尘、保养方便、维护费用低廉等优点。可根据不同的用途要求设计多种方案: 如薄层涂装,1-5mm厚的自流平地面,防滑耐磨涂装,砂浆型涂装,防静电,防腐蚀涂装等。并且环氧地坪大致可以分为:环氧树脂磨石环氧地坪、环氧树脂彩砂压砂环氧地坪环氧树脂自流平地坪、环氧树脂砂浆型环氧地坪、环氧树脂平涂型地坪。那么环氧地坪的具体安全性要求是什么呢?

First of all, the epoxy floor is a kind of high strength, wear-resistant, beautiful floor, with seamless, solid texture, good resistance to antisepsis, dust, easy maintenance, low maintenance costs and other advantages. It can be designed according to different application requirements: thin coating, 1-5mm thick self-leveling floor, anti-skid and wear-resistant coating, mortar coating, anti-static, anti-corrosion coating and so on. And the epoxy floor can be roughly divided into: epoxy resin terrazzo floor, epoxy resin coloured sand pressed sand floor, epoxy resin self-leveling floor, epoxy resin mortar floor, epoxy resin flat coating floor. What is the specific safety requirement of epoxy floor? 1.首先环氧地坪安全性的技术指标要求:

1. first, the technical requirements for the safety of epoxy floor are:

环氧地坪干燥时间 表干 ≤4;

The drying schedule for epoxy floor is less than 4.

环氧地坪实干 ≤24;

Epoxy floor work is less than 24;

环氧地坪附着力(级) ≤1;

Epoxy floor adhesion (grade) is less than 1;

环氧地坪铅笔硬度 ≥2H;

The hardness of epoxy floor pencil is more than 2H.

环氧地坪耐冲击性 50通过;

The impact resistance of epoxy floor is 50;

环氧地坪柔韧性 1㎜通过;

Epoxy floor flexibility 1 pass;


Epoxy floor wear resistance (750g/500R, weightlessness g) is less than 0.03;

环氧地坪耐水性 48小时无变化;

The water resistance of epoxy floor has no change for 48 hours.

环氧地坪耐30%硫酸 7天无变化;

The epoxy floor resistance to 30% sulfuric acid did not change for 7 days.

环氧地坪耐40%氢氧化钠 7天无变化;

The epoxy floor resistance to 40% sodium hydroxide did not change for 7 days.

环氧地坪耐汽油 120# 7天无变化;

The epoxy floor resistant to gasoline 120# remained unchanged for 7 days.

环氧地坪耐润滑油 7天无变化;

The epoxy floor has no change in lubricating oil for 7 days.


2. again, chemical requirements for the safety of epoxy floor:


Acid and alkaline resistance of epoxy floor: the type and concentration of corrosive chemicals used.


Solvent resistance of epoxy floor: solvent type and contact time;


3. then the treatment of epoxy floor surface safety:


The newly completed cement floor of the epoxy floor must undergo certain maintenance before it can be built for about 28 days.


The epoxy floor removes cement floats, old lacquer and garbage debris.


The epoxy floor completely removes the oil stain on the surface and is treated with the king oil cleaner.


The epoxy floor eliminates the accumulated water and makes the tide dry completely.


The surface of epoxy floor should be cleaned with dust-free sweeper and large vacuum cleaner.


The surface of the epoxy floor is 2 ~ 2.5mm, the water content is below 6%, and pH is 6~8.


The surface of epoxy floor surface must be finished with dust-free grinding machine and thoroughly cleaned by vacuum cleaner.


Epoxy mortar or epoxy putty should be used to fill the holes and obvious depressions on the surface of the epoxy floor. After dry, the holes should be ground and cleaned.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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