
时间:2018年10月31日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


The test methods of performance index of epoxy floor paint are mainly as follows: First, the state in the container: open the container, stir it manually, allowing partial precipitation at the bottom of the container. When stirring is easy to mix evenly, it can be defined as "no hard block after mixing". Two, water resistance: that is, testing the resistance of floor paint film to water. Test method: Apply floor paint on asbestos board, soak asbestos board in distilled water under specified conditions, 2/3 of the coating film is immersed in water, 1/3 is placed above the surface of water, after immersing 96 hours, observe whether the surface of the coating film is white, glossy, foaming, peeling off and other phenomena, if not, the floor paint passes through. Pass the test. 三、耐碱性:即测试地坪漆涂膜对碱性物质的抵抗能力。测试方法:将地坪漆施工在石棉板上,在规定的条件下,将石棉板浸泡在一定浓度的碱液中,和耐水性测试方法一样,地坪漆涂膜的2/3在水中浸入水内,1/3在置于水面以上,一般浸泡48小时后,观察地坪漆涂膜是否有发白、失光、起泡、脱落等现象。

Three, alkali resistance: that is, testing the resistance of floor paint film to alkaline substances. Testing method: The floor paint is applied on asbestos board. Under the prescribed conditions, the asbestos board is immersed in a certain concentration of alkali solution. Like the water resistance testing method, 2/3 of the coating film of floor paint is immersed in water, 1/3 is placed above the water surface, and after soaking for 48 hours, whether the coating film of floor paint is white or glossy is observed. Bubbling, falling off and so on.


4. Brushing Property: Test Method: Two pieces of asbestos cement board (600 x 600), half of the epoxy varnish of each board is evenly coated with sealing layer, after drying for 24H, the paint should be evenly distributed on the whole board, and good extension (diffusion) can be defined as "no brush marks after brushing, no impact on the substrate." "."


Five, contrast ratio: also known as cover test, that is, testing the ability of floor paint to cover the base surface. Test method: The floor paint is applied on black and white paper. Under the prescribed conditions, the reflectivity of black and white paper is tested by reflectometer, that is, Rb and Rw, and the contrast ratio is Rb/Rw (e.g. 0.87, 0.90, 0.93, 0.95, etc.).


Six, stain resistance: that is, testing the ability of floor paint film to resist atmospheric dust. Test method: Apply floor paint on asbestos board, test its reflectivity value A first, then brush 0.7G fly ash on the paint film, after drying, wash the paint film with the prescribed experimental instrument, repeat the same experiment five times, test the reflectivity value B again, then paint film anti-fouling X=(A-B)/A (e.g., 20%, 15%, 10%).


Seven, aging resistance: epoxy floor paint aging has natural aging, also has the phenomenon of artificial accelerated aging. For example, the natural aging of floor paint is caused by the gradual change of the performance of the coating film exposed to natural outdoor conditions, such as fading, powdering, etc. However, due to the long testing time, it is generally not operable. Artificial accelerated aging refers to the observation of changes in the film of epoxy floor paint, such as pulverization and discoloration, after being tested by an artificial aging machine.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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