
时间:2018年11月07日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

1. 提高环氧地坪漆涂料的固体含量,选择高固体分或低溶剂含量,无溶剂类型的环氧地坪漆涂料。无溶剂涂料和高固体分涂料,是环氧地坪漆涂料行业的发展趋势。在环氧地坪漆涂装过程中,尽管环氧地坪漆涂料价格稍贵,但一次涂装可得到较高的环氧地坪漆湿膜厚度、减少了地坪漆涂装道数。缩短施工周期,并大大减少了溶剂的排放,具有极大的优势。

1. Enhance the solid content of epoxy floor paint, select high solid content or low solvent content, solvent-free type epoxy floor paint. Solvent free coatings and high solid coatings are the development trend of epoxy floor paint industry. In the process of floor paint painting, although the price of epoxy floor paint is slightly higher, the wet film thickness of floor paint can be higher and the number of coating paths can be reduced by one coating. Shortening the construction period and greatly reducing the emission of solvents has great advantages. 2. 选择水作为地坪漆涂料的溶剂,水性涂料和绿色溶剂涂料应用前景十分广阔。现在,建筑行业的地坪漆涂料主要以水性地坪漆涂料为主,特别是室内的内墙装饰需选择水性乳胶漆。在严重腐蚀环境中、可达到防腐蚀要求的水性地坪漆涂料品种很少、这是目前的研究热点。

2. Selecting water as the solvent of floor paint, water-borne paint and green solvent paint have broad application prospects. At present, the floor paint in the construction industry is mainly water-based floor paint, especially the interior wall decoration needs to choose water-based latex paint. In severe corrosive environment, there are few kinds of waterborne floor coatings which can meet the requirements of anticorrosion, which is the current research hotspot.

3. 改善施工工艺。在地坪漆涂料施工中,要采取正确且规范的环氧地坪漆施工工艺,才能保证在环氧地坪漆涂装过程中尽量减少废气的释放。

3. improve construction technology. In the construction of epoxy floor paint, correct and standardized construction technology should be adopted to ensure that the emission of exhaust gas can be minimized in the process of epoxy floor paint painting.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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