
时间:2018年11月13日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Hot-blast stove belongs to special equipment, improper use may cause serious consequences and cause unnecessary losses. In order to prevent fire when using oil-fired gas-fired hot-blast stove, the location of hot-blast stove house is also very important. Hot-blast stove house should not be built in the building group, but should be built in the direction of downwind and cross-wind of the building and on-ground hot-blast stove. The room relieves pressure mainly by doors and windows, and the underground hot blast stove room uses machine hoisting holes and smoke exhaust shaft as explosion relief area. At the same time, explosion relief plates can be installed on the wall or top inner wall around the main room and on the explosion face of the pillars to reduce the peak explosion pressure generated by gas explosion and the energy released during explosion to the main body. The influence of body structure protects the main body structure. 要保障热风炉房的通风性,每小时6-10次换气,油箱室按10-15次换气,油蒸气比空气重,风口要集中在机房下部,按下部排风量为2/3总排风量、上部按1/3总排风量设置风口。送风排风管道穿越楼板及隔墙处应设置70℃自动封闭的防火阀,燃烧室内经燃烧后的废气通过管道排向竖烟井,烟气利用热压抬升原理排至室外。一般情况下设备外排余压仅一公斤压力左右,故设置过渡管道时应留意管内流速不宜过大,以5-6m/s为宜,以防止排出烟气温度过高或存在明火,每台热风炉排烟口处应设置280℃时能自动封闭的防火阀。烟囱口应设有多层金属滤网,防止有高温固化的各类物质颗粒落到可燃物上引起燃烧。

To ensure the ventilation of the hot-blast stove room, 6-10 air exchanges per hour, 10-15 air exchanges in the fuel tank room, the oil vapor is heavier than air, and the tuyere should be concentrated in the lower part of the engine room. The tuyere should be set up according to the lower part of the exhaust air volume of 2/3 and the upper part of the engine room according to 1/3 of the total exhaust air volume. The air supply and exhaust pipes should be equipped with 70 C self-closing fire-proof valves when they pass through the floor and partition walls. The exhaust gas from the combustion chamber is discharged into the vertical flue shaft through the pipes, and the flue gas is discharged outdoors by the principle of hot-pressure lifting. In general, the residual pressure of the equipment is only about one kilogram. Therefore, when setting up the transition pipeline, it should be noted that the flow velocity in the pipeline should not be too high, and 5-6m/s is appropriate to prevent the excessive temperature of the exhaust gas or the presence of open fire. Fire-proof valves which can be automatically closed at 280 C should be installed at the exhaust port of each hot blast stove. The chimney mouth should be equipped with a multi-layer metal filter to prevent high-temperature solidified particles of various substances from falling on combustible materials and causing combustion.


Fuel oil used in hot blast stove belongs to non-conductive substance. When the equipment such as tubing, filter and pump is moving, the phenomenon of contact and separation occurs continuously, which will electrify and accumulate charges of the transported fuel, and spark discharge will occur to a certain extent. The harm to the room containing oil vapor in the air is obvious. Grounding equipment containers and pipelines contacting fuel oil can reduce the resistance of charge leakage to the earth's crust, accelerate the release of charge in oil and eliminate the possibility of spark discharge.


Usually, there are cylindrical and elliptical tanks, which need to be separated from the engine room. The fire resistance level of the civil envelope structure is not lower than the second level. The windows should not be opened to the adjacent rooms between the fuel tank and the oil pump. The doors to the adjacent rooms should be Class A fire doors. The intermediate oil tank needs to install an emergency oil drain container outside, so as to discharge the oil source when the fire occurs. Where fuel leakage may occur, oil ditch wells should be set up to discharge regularly at the centralized point, and explosion-proof motors should be selected for matching oil pumps. When using hot stove, safety is the first. Hot blast stove should be operated according to the relevant regulations of hot blast stove.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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