
时间:2018年10月31日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

水性环氧地坪漆的优异性能主要可分为六点:一是适应能力强, 水性环氧地坪漆除了具备溶剂型环氧地坪涂料的众多优点外,固化后的环氧地坪涂膜耐腐蚀性和耐化学药品性能优异,对多种底材具有较高的附着力。具有涂膜收缩小、硬度高、耐磨性好、电气绝缘性能优异等特点。

The excellent properties of waterborne epoxy floor coatings can be divided into six main points: first, strong adaptability, waterborne epoxy floor coatings in addition to solvent-based epoxy floor coatings have many advantages, cured floor coatings have excellent corrosion resistance and chemical resistance, and have high adhesion to a variety of substrates. It has the characteristics of small shrinkage, high hardness, good abrasion resistance and excellent electrical insulation property. 二是环保性能好,具有不含有机溶剂、挥发性有机化合物含量较低等特点,不会造成空气污染,因而满足当前环境保护的要求。

Second, the environmental protection performance is good, does not contain organic solvents, volatile organic compounds content is low, will not cause air pollution, so meet the current environmental protection requirements.


The three is to be truly water-borne, using water as a dispersing medium. The price is low, odorless, non combustible, and the safety during storage, transportation and use is also greatly improved.

四是操作性佳, 水性环氧环氧地坪漆的施工操作性能好,施工工具可用水直接清洗,可在室温和潮湿的环境中固化,有合理的固化时间,并保证有很高的交联密度。

Fourth, good operability, water-based epoxy floor paint construction performance is good, construction tools can be directly cleaned by water, can be cured at room temperature and humid environment, a reasonable curing time, and ensure a high crosslinking density.

五是适用范围广, 水性环氧环氧地坪漆可在室温和潮湿的环境中使用,并且对旧基材也有良好的重涂性。

Fifth, it can be used in a wide range of applications, water-borne epoxy floor paint can be used at room temperature and humid environment, and the old substrate has a good re-coating.


Sixth, strong decorative, and solvent-based floor coatings, the surface is smooth and smooth, there are semi-gloss, matte and a variety of colors to choose from.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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