
时间:2018年10月31日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

环氧地坪漆做多少厚合适呢?下面三项决定厚度:(1)如果地面基础良好,要求不是很高做个环氧薄涂就很合适了,厚度的话做个0.5-0.8就ok;(2)如果地面基础良好,要求高耐磨、高硬度的话、那么这时候就要做环氧薄涂或自流平了;(3)如果做薄涂的话建议厚度在2.5-3.0个厚;(4)如果地面不好、要求又高的话,那么就应该使用环氧自流平地坪,中间做砂浆层,然后整个地面厚度最好做个3mm。自流平环氧树脂地面涂层材料的厚度为(2± 0.2)mm。

How thick is the epoxy floor paint? The following three thickness decisions: (1) if the ground foundation is good, the requirements are not very high to do an epoxy coating is very appropriate, the thickness of 0.5-0.8 on the ok; (2) if the ground foundation is good, high wear resistance, high hardness, then this time to do epoxy coating or self-leveling; (3) if do a thin coating Suggested thickness of 2.5-3.0; (4) If the ground is not good, high requirements, then should use epoxy self-leveling floor, the middle of the mortar layer, and then the entire thickness of the ground had better do a 3mm. The thickness of the self leveling epoxy floor coating material is (2 + 0.2) mm. 


Factory epoxy floor project:


1. Product requirements for cleanliness: Different products have different requirements for cleanliness of the production environment, such as furniture and electrical appliances workshop cleanliness can be lower, food and drug factory cleanliness requirements of the highest. The cleanliness of the workshop is proportional to the thickness of the epoxy floor paint coating in Xuzhou. The thicker the coating, the better the performance of the floor such as moisture-proof, dust-proof and mildew-proof. Ordinary light industrial plants, such as garment factory floor, do ordinary thin-coated epoxy floor, about 0.5mm can be; and pharmaceutical factory floor must do more than 1mm of self-leveling epoxy floor. Floor of pharmaceutical factory (epoxy self leveling)


2. The requirement of the ground bearing capacity of the workshop: if there are a large number of large-scale machinery in the workshop, or if the products of the workshop are heavier and the forklift truck is to be pulled, the ground bearing capacity is required to be higher. If the floor bearing capacity of the workshop is high, it is not suitable for thin-coated epoxy floor. Choose thick self-leveling Chongqing floor paint and Chongqing curing agent floor.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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