
时间:2018年11月01日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

每个行业的同一商品都会有着价格的差异化,客户面对市场上的混凝土密封固化剂地坪,价格也会有几十元到几千元不等,正所谓一分钱一分货,有些环氧地坪漆厂家报出的混凝土硬化环氧地坪价格高自然有它的道理,除了自身地坪漆材料好之外,选用的方案设计和施工手法都是影响的关键。 混凝土硬化地坪价格和在地坪漆施工过程中对混凝土基材的处理有着直接关系,对于施工环境比较差的基层,设计到打磨成本,修补成本和密封剂用量,对于要求密实度较高的混凝土硬化地坪,其基层打磨成本和修补成本就教高,固化剂用量也会加大,最终成本会大幅增加,对光泽的要求较高就会增加研磨抛光的次数,成本也会增加。

The same commodity in each industry will have a price difference, customers in the face of the market of concrete sealant curing agent floor, the price will vary from tens of yuan to thousands of yuan, is the so-called one penny a commodity, some floor paint manufacturers reported high prices of concrete hardened floor naturally has its reason, in addition to their own floor paint Besides the good materials, the scheme design and construction techniques are the key factors. The price of concrete hardened floor is directly related to the treatment of concrete substrate during the construction of floor paint. For the base with poor construction environment, the design to grinding cost, repair cost and sealant dosage, and for the concrete hardened floor with high density, the base grinding cost and repair cost should be taught. Higher dosage of curing agent will also increase, the final cost will be greatly increased, higher gloss requirements will increase the number of grinding and polishing, the cost will also increase. 高质量的混凝土硬化地坪离不开质量高的地坪漆材料,也离不开专业的地坪施工队伍,因此人工劳动成本也是影响混凝土硬化地坪价格的一小部分因素,而人工成本又和节假日的关联很大,对于要求节假日施工的客户,报出的地坪漆多少钱一平方的包工包料价格自然会高出很多。

High-quality concrete hardened floor can not be separated from high-quality floor paint materials, but also can not be separated from professional floor construction team, so labor costs are also a small part of the factors affecting the price of concrete hardened floor, and labor costs and holidays are closely related, for the requirements of holiday construction customers, reported How much is the cost of the floor paint? The price of the one package will naturally be much higher.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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