
时间:2018年11月04日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Epoxy self-leveling floor is a kind of floor coated with epoxy resin as main material, curing agent, diluent, solvent, dispersant, defoamer and some fillers. Epoxy self-leveling floor has always been famous for its beautiful appearance and economic benefits. It is the modern standard of industrial workshop floor. Epoxy floor material has strong adhesion, abrasion resistance, hardness and so on. Therefore, the advantage of epoxy floor is obvious. What are the specific ones? Let's introduce: 


Epoxy self-leveling floor is suitable for high-standard floor in places requiring wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oil pollution resistance, pressure resistance, smooth surface and easy cleaning, such as parking lot, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, paper making, cigarette, chemical industry, textile, furniture and other industries. It has the following advantages:


(1) The bonding strength with the base is high and seamless, shrinkage rate is very low when hardening, it is not easy to crack, it is easy to clean, and it does not gather dust and bacteria.


(2) Anti-penetration, strong corrosion resistance to chemicals, good tolerance to oils, smooth surface, rich color, beautifying the working environment.


(3) High solid content, thick film formation at one time; solvent-free, construction toxicity is small, in line with environmental protection, non-toxic ground, in line with health requirements.


(4) Anti-skid, parking lot ground must have a certain degree of roughness, general cement ground is difficult to meet the requirements, room temperature curing film, easy maintenance.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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