
时间:2018年11月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


The difference of structure between coal-fired hot blast stove and oil-fired hot blast stove [1] and the heating surface of furnace are also very different. Because of the complexity, it is not explained in detail here. [2] The burner of the oil-fired hot blast stove must have an oil physicochemical device, while the burner of the gas-fired hot blast stove does not need a physicochemical device. [3] Oil-fired hot-blast stove uses burner. In coal-fired hot-blast stove, there are fixed grate, pulverized coal burner and fluidized bed furnace combustion methods. [4] and oil fired hot blast stoves generally do not burn out, and the exhaust gas is discharged through the chimney. Generally, there are ash handling facilities such as ash hopper and slag remover. [5]、燃油热风炉与燃气热风炉,就本体结构而言没有多大的区别,只是由于燃料热值不同,将受热面作了相应的调整。即燃油热风炉辐射受热面积较大,而燃气热风炉则是将对流受热面设计的大些。

[5] There is not much difference between oil-fired hot blast stove and gas-fired hot blast stove in terms of body structure, but because of the different calorific value of fuel, the heating surface has been adjusted accordingly. That is to say, the radiation heating area of oil-fired hot stove is larger, while that of gas-fired hot stove is larger.


[6] Oil-fired hot blast stove must be equipped with a more complex oil supply system (especially when burning heavy oil and residue), such as fuel tank, oil pump, filter heating pipeline, etc. It must occupy a certain space, while gas-fired hot blast stove does not need to be equipped with gas storage device. It is only necessary to connect the gas pipeline to the gas supply network. Of course, pressure regulating devices, solenoid valves, buffer valves and other accessories should be installed on the pipeline to ensure the safe operation of the hot blast stove.


At present, China's power plant hot blast stove is usually a coal-fired hot stove, and there are few oil and gas hot-air stoves. Only on special occasions, where there are heavy oil and residual oil, are there a small number of oil fired hot blast stoves. In addition, many small and medium sized hot air stoves for heating use fuel gas hot-air stove for environmental protection.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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