
时间:2018年11月13日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Because of the poor thermal conductivity of scale, its thermal conductivity is only one-tenth to one-hundred of that of steel, so scaling in steam hot blast stove will seriously hinder heat transfer and cause the following hazards: (If you want to know what scale is, how it is formed, please refer to "Explaining the middle production of hot blast stove equipment in use" Four reasons for scaling (1)浪费燃料 蒸汽热风炉和热水热风炉结垢后将严重影响受热面传热,降低热效率,减少蒸汽出力,增加燃料消耗,由于油、气价格高,因此燃油、燃气蒸汽热风炉结垢后造成的浪费和损失将大大高于燃煤蒸汽热风炉

(1) Scaling of waste fuel steam hot stove and hot water hot stove will seriously affect heat transfer on heating surface, reduce thermal efficiency, reduce steam output and increase fuel consumption. Because of the high price of oil and gas, the waste and loss caused by scaling of fuel and gas steam hot stove will be much higher than that of coal-fired steam hot stove.

(2)影响安全运行 受热面结生水垢后,金属的热量由于受水垢的阻碍而难于传递给锅水,致使温度急剧升高,材料强度显著降低,从而导致金属过热变形+严重时将造成鼓包、裂缝、甚至爆破等事故。

(2) After scaling occurs on the heating surface affecting the safe operation, the heat of metal is difficult to transfer to the pot water due to the obstruction of scaling, resulting in a sharp increase in temperature and a significant decrease in material strength, which will lead to accidents such as bulging, cracking and even blasting when the metal is superheated and deformed seriously.

(3)破坏水循环 如果蒸汽热水热风炉内水管内结垢,就会减小流通截面积,增加水的流动阻力,破坏正常的水循环,严重时还会完全堵塞管道,造成爆管事故。

(3) Destruction of water circulation If scaling occurs in the water pipe of the steam hot-water hot-blast stove, the flow cross-section area will be reduced, the flow resistance of water will be increased, the normal water circulation will be destroyed, and the pipeline will be completely blocked in serious cases, resulting in pipe explosion accident.

(4)缩短热风炉寿命 热风炉结垢后还会引起垢下腐蚀等危害。另外,有些体积小、结构紧凑的燃油燃气热风炉, 一旦结垢极难清除,严重时其好采用挖补、割换管子等方法。上述这些危害都将大大缩短热风炉的使用寿命。

(4) shortening the service life of hot blast stove and scaling down the hot stove will cause corrosion. In addition, some small, compact oil-fired gas hot stoves, once the scaling is extremely difficult to remove, when serious, it is better to use digging and repairing, cutting pipes and other methods. All these hazards will greatly shorten the service life of hot stove.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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