
时间:2018年11月11日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

热风炉是我们生活的产品,而且燃气热风炉是节能减排的产品,更是受到很客户的喜爱,但是在使用燃气热风炉中,因为水质的问题,热风炉内都会结水垢,那水垢对热风炉有什么影响呢? 热风炉水垢的形成 热风炉经过长时间运行,不可避免的出现了水垢、锈蚀问题,热风炉形成水垢的主要原因是给水中带有硬度成份,经过高温、高压的不断蒸发浓缩以后,在炉内发生一系列的物理、化学反应,最终在受热面上形成坚硬、致密的水垢。 对热风炉的危害

Hot-blast stove is the product of our life, and gas hot-blast stove is the product of energy saving and emission reduction, and it is very popular with customers. But in the use of gas hot-blast stove, because of the water quality problem, scaling will be formed in the hot-blast stove. What effect does scaling have on the hot-blast stove? Hot-blast stove scaling has been formed for a long time. Scale and rust inevitably occur during operation. The main reason for scaling in hot blast stove is that the hardness component in feed water. After continuous evaporation and concentration at high temperature and high pressure, a series of physical and chemical reactions occur in the furnace, and finally a hard and dense scale is formed on the heating surface. Hazards to hot blast stove 1、导致换热效果降低且因垢下腐蚀因素

1, resulting in reduced heat transfer and corrosion due to scale.


2. Causing the decrease of heat absorption in the water-cooled wall hearth of the hot blast stove and the increase of the outlet temperature of the hot blast stove, the loss of the hot blast stove increases.

3、水冷壁内结垢后使传热效果减少,有可能导致水冷壁管壁温度增加导致水冷壁爆管,影响热风炉安全运行。 水垢是热风炉的“百害之首”,是引起热风炉事故的主要原因,其危害性主要表现在:浪费大量燃料:因为水垢的导热系数只有钢材的几十分之一,所以当受热面结垢后会使传热受阻,为了保持热风炉一定的出力,就必须提高火侧的温度,从而使向外辐射及排烟造成热损失。 热风炉清洗 现可以采用高效环保无腐蚀清洗剂对燃气热风炉进行清洗,清洗剂对清洗的水垢完全溶解,使设备列管露出金属原色,降低因为结垢及生物藻类淤泥的影响。同时对氧化铁和亚氧化铁有剥离的作用,可延长燃气热风炉使用寿命、降低能耗。

3. Scaling in the water wall reduces the heat transfer effect, which may lead to the increase of the wall temperature of the water wall and the bursting of the water wall, affecting the safe operation of the hot blast stove. Scale is the most harmful factor of hot-blast stove and the main cause of hot-blast stove accidents. Its harmfulness mainly manifests in: wasting a large amount of fuel: because the thermal conductivity of scale is only one tenth of that of steel, heat transfer will be hindered when scaling on the heating surface. In order to maintain a certain output of hot-blast stove, fire must be increased. The temperature of the side causes heat loss from outward radiation and exhaust gas. Hot blast stove cleaning can now use high-efficiency environmental protection non-corrosive cleaning agent to clean the gas hot blast stove. The cleaning agent can completely dissolve the scale of the cleaning, so that the original metal color of the equipment pipes can be exposed and the effect of scaling and biological algae sludge can be reduced. At the same time, it can peel off iron oxide and ferrous oxide, prolong the service life of gas hot blast stove and reduce energy consumption.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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