
时间:2018年11月03日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


At present, many people have used epoxy flooring in our life, which is a positive affirmation of epoxy flooring, but also more illustrates the advantages of epoxy flooring is very good, for people in use effect is also very good, but because there are many construction teams and material suppliers in the market, so for epoxy flooring. The construction and effect of the flat are also uneven. This is also a blow for us. The bad market effect will be a crisis for all manufacturers, because consumers tend to think that everything is bad, which is also bad for our development. So what causes the quality problems of epoxy floor? Let's give a detailed explanation below.


Over 80% of the quality problems in the construction of epoxy resin wear-resistant floor and curing agent floor are caused by construction technology. Therefore, attention should be paid to construction specifications and matters needing attention in the painting process. Engineering managers should monitor the construction technology and engineering quality of construction site workers, and pay attention to each coating. Quality. Good quality epoxy floor works can only be made if quality is good. So what do we need to pay attention to?


1. Foundation ground treatment: Good base is the guarantee of good epoxy floor paint painting. It is suggested that technical engineers should guide construction on site during foundation treatment, including the degree of foundation polishing, the level of flatness, the leveling and repair of cracks, and the removal of oil stains. After finishing, check the quality of the base to avoid the poor quality effect and lead to poor coating effect of epoxy floor paint.


2. Material quality selection and allocation: all epoxy floor paint materials used must be strictly inspected and allocated. All entry floor materials should be inspected to prevent the use of unqualified products. Secondly, the comparison of material allocation before construction, weighing, mixing time and mixing methods must be properly controlled.


3. Tool use: When choosing construction tools, tools and auxiliary equipment such as rollers, spraying guns, paint brushes, beautified paper should be selected to avoid quality problems caused by poor floor construction tools; construction personnel should be familiar with the correct use of construction equipment and tools and skilled in operation of construction tools.


4. Techniques of construction personnel: It is necessary to train all construction personnel on-the-job skills. Construction personnel at all levels should be familiar with the technical indicators and construction methods of the construction technology. Blind construction and barbaric operation are not allowed.


5. Mastery and management of construction environment: Mastery of construction environment refers to the monitoring and management of temperature, humidity and environmental hygiene at present. Secondly, the managers of construction site must cooperate well with the general contractors and subcontractors, and must carry out strict on-site management of floor paint builders. Clear site management system.


Correct construction and good material quality are very important. It is important to know that cheap goods are not good. Whether we choose construction team or floor materials, we should not pay too much attention to price, but pay attention to quality and guarantee. The above is the knowledge that we summed up for you. I hope it can help you. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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