
时间:2018年11月15日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Pipeline vibration involves many engineering fields. At present, there is not much research on the vibration problem of large-scale hot blast stove. Blast furnace hot blast stove is an important large-scale heat exchanger for blast furnace smelting. It is estimated that there are several factors causing the vibration of hot blast stove: one is the vibration caused mainly by pulsating combustion; the other is the vibration of pipeline system; the third is the vibration caused by the coupling of the two. The piping system of hot blast stove is mainly used for conveying gas, combustion-supporting air, cold and hot air and flue gas. For the vibration of pipeline system, it is necessary to have the effect of exciting force. In addition to the role of combustion pulse power, the more critical is the influence of gas source power, such as the power of combustion-supporting fan, gas pressure, and the interaction between pipeline system structure and flow field. When the frequency of the exciting force is close to or coincides with the natural frequency of the pipeline system structure, the complex coupling frequency effect will occur and the resonance of the pipeline system will be achieved. The result not only affects the operation index of hot blast stove, but also destroys the hot blast stove and pipeline system, which causes potential safety hazards in production. 有焰燃烧强度及燃烧稳定性与煤气、空气的混合情况及着火条件密切相关。热态试验时,当煤气、空气的质量流量一定时,随着空气预热温度的提高,循环区体积增大,高温的回旋区产物进入主流区,使局部混合好的空气、煤气迅速被加热燃烧,燃烧产物向四周膨胀。这不仅使紊流增加,而且使断面压差增大。瞬间燃烧所生成的高温燃烧产物横向运动,使回旋区被压缩变窄。此时回旋区气体量减少,主流区着火条件变弱,燃烧温度下降。这时回旋区又回到原来的状态,较多的回旋区高温产物又进入主流区,重复上述过程。这种周期性的燃烧变化使火焰峰面必是周期性的变化曲面。曲面的波峰、波谷时大时小,故产生了燃烧噪声,曲面波动剧烈时就是不稳定燃烧,或称脉动燃烧,严重时就为燃烧振动。

Flame combustion intensity and combustion stability are closely related to the mixture of gas and air and ignition conditions. When the mass flow rate of gas and air is constant, the volume of circulation zone increases with the increase of air preheating temperature, and the products of high-temperature gyration zone enter the mainstream zone, which makes the partially mixed air and gas burn rapidly, and the combustion products expand around. This not only increases the turbulence but also increases the pressure difference of the section. The transverse movement of high-temperature combustion products generated by instantaneous combustion makes the gyrate narrow. At this time, the gas in the raceway decreases, and the ignition conditions in the mainstream area become weaker and the combustion temperature decreases. At this time, the cyclotron region returns to its original state, and more high temperature products in the cyclotron region enter the mainstream region, repeating the above process. The periodic combustion changes the surface of the flame to a periodic surface. The peak and trough of the curved surface are large and small, so the combustion noise is generated. When the curved surface fluctuates violently, it is unstable combustion, or pulsating combustion, and when it is serious, it is combustion vibration.


Many hot blast stoves appear combustion vibration in normal production, which causes damage to piping system, combustion fan and burner of hot blast stoves.


In 1670s, B.Higging carried out special research on combustion and vibration. Later, L.Rayleigh also made a systematic study of the phenomenon of hot gas column. They think that the flame sound is caused by the heat when the gas column is dense and the vibration when the gas column is sparse. On the contrary, the sound is attenuated. This vibration is related to the length of the fuel supply pipeline. Through experiment and theoretical analysis, it is believed that installing Heimholtz resonator is a simple and practical method for simple combustion vibration of Quzhi.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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