
时间:2018年11月15日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Hot blast stove is a drying equipment with simple structure, stable performance and convenient maintenance, which is widely used in cement production process. In general, we should balance the reform with "wind, fire protection according to modification, material", so how to reform each part of hot stove, what should we pay attention to? In general, the following points should be noted when upgrading the rotary dryer. 1、热空气和材料收账接触面积。材料应尽可能均匀地分布在一段烘干热风炉筒,与热空气充分接触成都找人公司材料,消除风洞材料和不均匀分布的原因。

1. Contact area between hot air and material. Material should be distributed as evenly as possible in a section of drying hot blast stove. Material in full contact with hot air can eliminate the cause of material and uneven distribution in wind tunnel.


2. Pay attention to the contact time between hot air and materials. We should contact time to extend the material and hot air as far as possible to achieve the best results.


3. In order to make the material move as far as possible, the rotary dryer, the positive plate, the pipe wall and the obsolete elimination in the moving gas flow are eliminated. Material per unit time is as fast as possible.


4, in order to facilitate production, installation, maintenance, replacement.


5, attention should be paid to the preheating, drying and drying behavior of materials in the dryer.


Attention should be paid to more than five kinds of lifting board reconstruction, so we can lift the lift step arc lift. The arc-shaped lifting board has very strong material adaptability. The sticky materials such as slime are not easy to stick to the lifting board. The movement of the shed board material is a relaxed and free movement state. At the same time, according to the different requirements of each arc, if the moisture content of the material is high in the preheating section, we can improve the arc to prevent sticking materials.


We are installing arc-shaped lifting plate, in order to form an angle between the shaft lifting plate and the rotary dryer barrel, the optimum inclination angle is greater than or equal to the dryer, the feeding end is low, and some high emission ends are formed in the spiral of the barrel body. At the same time, the spacing must be between the advantages of each layer, and the alignment between one layer of elevator and the next layer of elevator spacing. The design of spiral elevator can make the material spiral in cylinder, thus prolonging the material retention time in hot blast stove barrel.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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