
时间:2018年12月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


There are three construction modes of gas wall-mounted hot blast stove: incineration equipment, heat exchange equipment, automatic control and safety protection device. Incineration equipment is mainly composed of gas burner, incineration device, incineration chamber, air supply and smoke exhaust system. The simplest internal heat exchanger of wall-mounted hot stove is casing heat exchanger, that is, daily hot water jacket in the heating heat exchanger is heated directly by fire. Its characteristics are simple structure, fast hot water output and low quotation. Our company operates large-brand goods with stable functions and reliable quality. Welcome your selection.


With the increasing scale attached to the inner wall of heat exchanger, the diameter of heat exchanger tube will become thinner and thinner, the flow of water is not smooth, not only increases the burden of pumps and heat exchangers, but also greatly reduces the heat transfer efficiency of wall-mounted furnace. The main manifestations are the increase of gas consumption of wall-mounted furnace, the lack of heat supply, and the heat and heat during cold and hot water cleaning. Decrease in water volume and other performance. The damage to wall-hanging furnace is very fierce, especially to plate heat exchanger.


Some small gas hot blast stoves do not have automatic control system, which requires manual incineration and manual operation. Before incineration, all kinds of checks should be done: water, gas and electric switches are in the correct position; strict compliance with the operating rules: open the furnace door, sweep the furnace; stand in a safe position to ignite the main incinerator, avoid the furnace door or spray hole. To prevent burning injury; to close the door after normal incineration; to find abnormal, quickly close the gas source valve, stop the furnace urgently, find out the factors, after troubleshooting, can be put into operation again.


Installation, repair and modification of biomass hot blast stove. Units engaged in the installation, repair and renovation of hot stoves shall obtain the certificate of qualification for repair of special equipment and devices issued by the Provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau before they can engage in the installation, repair and renovation of hot stoves. When the hot blast stove leaves the factory, it shall be accompanied by "the planning documents requested by the safety technical specifications, the certification of commodity quality, the clarification of safety and operation, repair, supervision and verification". The operation of hot blast stoves should be strictly carried out according to the operation theory, and the overload should be prevented as far as possible to ensure safety.


Where are hot stoves for sale? The protection and maintenance of hot blast stove should be a comprehensive inspection, cleaning and maintenance of hot blast stove, including water channel, circuit, gas path, incineration and some related accessories. The protection and maintenance of hot stove is usually once or twice a year, and the primary protection content is the regular protection and maintenance of hot stove, which can extend the life of hot stove, improve the working efficiency of hot stove, reduce the incidence of failure, and help the safe operation of hot stove. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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