
时间:2018年11月09日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

脚手架有扣件式钢管脚手架、碗扣式钢管脚手架、承插式钢管移动脚手架门式脚手架,竹木移动脚手架。扣件式是采用扣件和钢管进行搭设的门式脚手架。 落地式门式脚手架,表示梯形脚手架不是悬挑的,直接从地面或者楼板面开始搭设,没有型钢悬挑基座。悬挑梯形脚手架,又叫挑架,一般是由型钢悬挑后,在型钢上面搭设脚手架。

Scaffolds include fastener type steel pipe scaffolds, bowl type steel pipe scaffolds, socket type steel pipe scaffolds, door type scaffolds, bamboo and wood scaffolds. Fastener type is a scaffold erected by fasteners and steel pipes. The landing scaffolding means that the scaffolding is not cantilevered. It is erected directly from the ground or floor, and there is no section steel cantilevered base. Cantilevered scaffolds, also called pick frames, are usually erected by profiled steel and scaffolding is erected on section steel.


Fastener scaffolds refer to different types of scaffold materials.


Scaffolding scaffolding is a different type of scaffolding.


The two categories are different and cannot be compared with each other. 


1. Full-hall scaffolding is defined as scaffolding in the vertical and horizontal directions, which consists of not less than three rows of vertical poles and horizontal poles, horizontal scissors, vertical scissors, fasteners, etc. The construction load of the working layer on the top of the frame is transmitted to the vertical pole through the horizontal pole, and the top vertical pole is under eccentric compression.


2. Full hall bracket is defined as a bearing bracket consisting of not less than three rows of vertical bars and horizontal bars, horizontal scissors braces, vertical scissors braces, fasteners, etc. The construction load at the top of the frame is transferred to the vertical pole through the adjustable support, and the top vertical pole is subjected to axial compression.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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